Sonntag, 6. September 2020

MTP III. Family policy

III. Family policy

We take countermeasures to the pill kink that occurred around 1970. The GDR did this successfully in the 1970s through strong family support. As a result, the birth rates rose from around 1.5 children to 1.9 children per woman in the GDR. The GDR has thus proven that family policy benefits can compensate for the pill kink that has led to the fall in the birth rate.
See diagram ... Here you can see the development very well.
Every year 500,000 children are born too few in Germany to maintain the age pyramid and there are 333,698 trainees missing. The birth rate fell to 651,000 children in 2009. (In 1990 there were 905,675 children) In 2009, 561,300 training contracts were concluded in the dual system (2007 it was 626,000). 423 398 were enrolled in the first semester of 2009 at a university or technical college. That means 561,300 dual system plus 423,398 students = 984,698 trainees in total. 984,698 newcomers to training in 2009 minus 651,000 births in 2009 results in a shortage of training staff of 333,698 in 15 to 20 years. Either replaced by immigration or recession
A woman has an average of 1.41 children. (Fertility) We want to use the following measures to ensure that women have an average of at least 1.8 children.
Currently ranked 197 out of 222…/the-world-fa…/rankorder/2127rank.html…
This is to be achieved
1. Parental allowance / education allowance
Either child-raising allowance of 1,300 euros for 24 months for Germans or 120% of the net wage (maximum 3000 euros per month) for 12 months parental allowance for Germans is paid. Here is the current Federal Parental Allowance Act,did=93110.html
old Education Allowance Act
2. Doubling of child benefit
Section 66 of the Income Tax Act then changed
(1) The monthly child benefit amounts to 208 euros for first and second children, 420 euros for third children and 470 euros for the fourth and each additional child.
(2) The child benefit is paid monthly from the beginning of the month in which the eligibility requirements are met until the end of the month in which the eligibility requirements no longer apply.
The benefit is only paid if the early diagnosis examinations U 1 to U 11 are made. In this way child abuse can be better recognized.
The problem of child allowance is solved.
The child surcharge of 185 euros per child kills the incentive to work more or that the partner also works.
Example: A family with 3 children where the husband works receives a child allowance of 555 euros. Now the woman would like to go back to work after the children are older and, assumedly, earns only 1500 euros gross per month. This means that the maximum income limit is exceeded and the 555 euro child surcharge plus other benefits such as free bus tickets to school are no longer applicable. (If you also received housing benefit, that too).
This is the total work incentive killer.
By doubling the child benefit, the child benefit can be abolished and the problem is solved.
Here is the extract on the child allowance from the employment agency. duration
At the same time, the income and assets to be taken into account (gross income and assets less any deductions) must not exceed the maximum income limit. The maximum income limit is made up of the parental needs within the meaning of the regulations on unemployment benefit II and the percentage of the housing costs (assessment limit) as well as the total child allowance
3. Doubling of the exemptions according to Section 32 (6) Income Tax Act
(6) 1When assessing income tax, an allowance of 4980 euros for the actual subsistence level of the child (child allowance) and an allowance of 2640 euros for the child's care and education needs are deducted from the income for each child of the taxpayer to be considered . 2In the case of spouses who are assessed together for income tax according to §§ 26, 26b, the amounts according to sentence 1 double if the child is a parent to both spouses. The taxpayer is entitled to the amounts according to sentence 2 even if
1. the other parent has died or is not subject to unlimited income tax or
2. the taxpayer has adopted the child alone or the child is only in a foster child relationship with him

4. Decreasing (a GDR project required by the CDU Sachsen Anhalt 2012)
German married couples can take out a loan of 10,000 euros over 8 years. EUR 2000 debts are canceled per child.

5. All-day care
A legal right to free all-day care is introduced. Work and family can thus be reconciled.
6. Home ownership
Reintroduction of the home ownership allowance with a child allowance of 2,500 euros per child annually for 8 years for Germans. This should enable families to purchase property. With the rent payment, a family with 3 children has no more disposable income than a Hartz IV family, even if the child benefit is doubled. This mainly depends on the rent.
Standard rates: Parents 2 times 382 euros = 764 euros + 1 child 12 years old = 302 euros + 1 child 15 years old = 322 euros + 1 child 16 years old = 322 euros = 1710 euros. (Total) rule sets
Plus rent which has to be reasonable. In the city of Munich, for example, a reasonable rent excluding heating is up to EUR 1277 + ancillary, heating and hot water costs approx. EUR 350 = EUR 1,627 warm rent
Standard rate 1710 euros + gross rent 1426 euros + 350 additional costs = 3486 euros total net transfer
An hourly wage of 21 euros for a full-time job, 165 hours per month of working time = 3,465 euros gross are just about enough to get the total net transfer of the Hatz IV recipient.
 If the children's home allowance for Germans is not introduced at the federal level, we will do so with a state children's home allowance of 1200 euros per year per child for 5 years. => A total of 6,000 euros per child. A federal state cannot finance more.
7. Family allowance
The family allowance for civil servants is increased to 500 euros.
8. Screening examination
Obligation to do a U1 to U11 screening so that abuse is recognized. Release of medical confidentiality in such cases. Citizens are not allowed to look the other way. Otherwise they will be punished. The vaccinations are carried out. 
In this way, income equity is established in family policy.

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