II. Labor market
1. No more protection against dismissal when hiring unemployed people over 55 years of age. If the order situation improves, they should be hired.
2. Wage subsidy / vouchers of 50% according to § 89 SGB III for long-term unemployed or previous applicants for a training place. https://dejure.org/gesetze/SGB_III/89.html
3. Up to 30 years of age who have no vocational training and who have received Alg.
4. Temporary workers may not receive less than 80% of the wages of permanent employees. Equal treatment with permanent employees after 12 months at the latest. The legal minimum wage is 9.19 euros (state-defined immorality limit)
Industry-specific minimum wages.
5. In order to top up the low wage, the employee savings allowance is doubled. This means that the savings allowance is 40 percent of the capital-building benefits, to a maximum of € 800 per year or 18 percent of the capital-building benefits, to a maximum of € 940 per year.
Income limits are increased a) for systems in residential construction from € 20,000 or € 40,000 (taxable income) to € 25,000 or € 50,000
b) Investments in productive capital of € 17,900 or € 35,800 (taxable income)
25,000 or 50,000 euros increased.
see 5. Asset Formation Act §13
This is important to reduce the final saving of low incomes.
6. Unemployed people have to register with temporary employment agencies because many employers do not report vacancies to the employment office.
7. The unemployed must be qualified according to the needs of the labor market (temporary employment agencies). Those who take a qualification measure get paid AlG 1 for longer. It is therefore necessary to carry out a qualification offensive that can be used on the labor market (e.g. truck driver's license, forklift driver's license, welding license, security guard training, retraining so that the vacant training positions can be filled, etc.) in the amount of 4.9 billion euros, so that unemployment falls. The surplus is currently 4.9 billion euros. https://www.tagesschau.de/thema/%C3%BCberschuss/ The unemployment insurance contribution rate will remain at 3.0% until unemployment falls below 2 million.
8. Jobs for people with disadvantages who hardly have a chance on the primary labor market because B. being too slow, making too many mistakes, being sick too often, etc.
This is to be achieved as follows:
a). We take up the proposal from the former head of the Federal Agency, and call for a subsidized labor market for the long-term unemployed. That is only slightly more expensive than Hartz IV and housing costs. http://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/frank-juergen-weise-zu-langzeitarbeitslösungen-sozial.990.de.html?dram:article_id=330192
b). Strong promotion of integration companies. 4.9 billion euros instead of 1.1 billion euros, which come from the surplus of the Federal Employment Agency, are being invested in integration companies / workshops for the disabled so that disadvantaged long-term unemployed people can be reintegrated into the work process.
The employment subsidy will be increased from 52 euros per month to 100 euros per month. The will to work must be rewarded. Thus the gap to unemployment benefit 2 is also greater. Employment Promotion Act https://dejure.org/gesetze/SGB_IX/43.html
In order to increase the order situation of the integration companies, we want to increase the deduction option in § 223 SGB IX from 50% to 75%.
Those who employ more than 5% severely disabled people in the company receive a 50% subsidy on the total invoice amount minus material costs to promote orders to integration companies.
Crediting of orders against the equalization charge
(1) 1 Employers who contribute to the employment of disabled people through orders to recognized workshops for disabled people can offset 75 percent of the invoice amount for the work of the workshop (total invoice amount minus material costs) against the equalization levy. 2Here, the work performance of the specialist staff for employment and professional development is taken into account, but not the work performance of other non-disabled employees. 3If products from other recognized workshops for disabled people are resold, the work performed by them will be taken into account. 4 The workshops confirm that the eligibility requirements are met in the invoice.
Employment in the primary labor market remains the goal. That is why we support a permanent wage subsidy of up to 75% to compensate for the disadvantages of performance as described in Section 61 of Book IX of the Social Code. Here the link
2) 1The budget for work includes a wage subsidy to the employer to compensate for the reduction in performance of the employee and the expenses for the instruction and support at the workplace due to the disability. 2 The wage subsidy amounts to up to 75 percent of the wages regularly paid by the employer, ..
The number of homeless must be reduced. These are again on the rise.
For this reason, dormitories must be integrated and expanded at the integration companies / workshops for the disabled.
Gaining a foothold again means doing regular work and being accommodated in a dormitory that is part of the integration company / workshop for the disabled.
9. Abolition of the employer's contribution to social security for employees over 60 years of age so that it makes economic sense to continue to employ this age group or to employ it again.
10. Counteracting the shortage of doctors through more study places and better pay for doctors, especially rural doctors / faster appointments with specialists
The remuneration should be 20% for doctors and 30% for country doctors. climb. Better pay also reduces emigration abroad. Over 2000 doctors migrate abroad every year. Training as a doctor costs the state 180,000 euros.
In order to eliminate the shortage of rural doctors, doctors can also be employed as employees of the city or district.
Another possibility is a scholarship program for medical students who complete their specialist training in rural areas and then work there for at least five years.
The key to how many patients a doctor has in the catchment area is reduced, doctors often no longer admit patients. Then there will be more doctor approvals, so the number of doctors will increase.
11. Eliminate the shortage of nurses and elderly care workers by increasing job satisfaction
We need more sick people and nurses. This needs to be achieved by increasing job satisfaction, ie better pay and lower workload.
Furthermore, with the abolition of compulsory military service and the associated civil service, there is no introduction to these professions. Therefore a training offensive is necessary.
Better pay
A minimum wage of 20 euros must be introduced for qualified health and care workers. This is currently missing http://www.bmas.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/PDF-Publikationen/a763-ml-pflegebranche-broschuere-pdf.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4
There is only one minimum wage for auxiliary workers in this area. The minimum wage for nursing assistants is set at 14 euros.
The collective agreements must be declared generally binding.
Reduce the workload of caregivers.
The workload must be reduced by reducing the number of people to be cared for by the carer. This should be checked by a TÜV so that this happens.
If these measures do not succeed in getting more young people interested in these professions, we will have to introduce a general compulsory year for men and women. This can also be done through military service.
The subject of work studies, which is primarily taught in the secondary and secondary schools to find a job, should include the nursing and nursing training. Do a social internship see Waldorf schools. https://www.waldorfschule.de/waldorfpaedagogik/praktika/ There are also good employment opportunities here for secondary school students.
The state share of care benefits must increase by 20% so that the self-care share of those in need of care does not have to increase.
Bring caregivers back immediately with a EUR 20,000 return bonus
Many nurses have left the nursing profession because of job dissatisfaction. Our above-mentioned measures will significantly increase job satisfaction and thus increase interest in this profession. We want to bring former carers back to work with a return bonus.
12. Immigration is controlled via the Bluecard and must be advertised. The number of professions needs to be expanded. The number of those who come via the Bluecard is low up to now. Age control with the youngest possible applicants must be taken into account.
Whoever wants to work in Germany must meet the requirements and fill out this application