Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2019

Post by the Hessian Ministry of Science

I got the Ministry know. The university must allow me to tests at Wipäd. I hope we can resolve it outside of court. for 3 years, the court does not decide. I told them that the decision is to be permanently withdrawn failed because there is not appealable three failed attempts.

Cause of all the problems is the Widiprojektskandal!

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Das Programm der Michael Tryzna Partei (MTP) in Gründung Stand Oktober 2019

Das Programm der Michael Tryzna Partei (MTP) in Gründung Stand Oktober 2019

Das Programm der Michael Tryzna Partei (MTP) in Gründung Stand Oktober 2019  Willkommen bei der Michael Tryzna Partei (MTP) Unsere...


Ich habe denen mitgeteilt, dass der Bescheid endgültig nicht bestanden zurückgenommen werden muss, da es nicht 3 rechtskräftig nicht bestandene Versuche gibt.

United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum. Germany should pay to the EU more?

The United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum is imminent, that Britain enters a net contributor in the European out. This means that existing in the EU financing gap.

How is this gap be closed? Currently, Germany pays 22% of the total EU budget. This should according to Spiegel report
rise to 25% of the total expenditure. This means that spending by 1% of GDP will rise to 1.1% of GDP.
I have this on my facebook page created a survey on the you can participate. Click here for the survey

Possible answers. You can add further options.

1. Germany pays 1,1% of GDP in EU

2. Germany pays 1% of GDP in EU

3. Germany comes out of the EU from

4.  The EU budget will be reduced

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